She Brews News!

February 12, 2024.

Hey!! Man, it’s been a while since I last did an update on our blog. So hello again! Welcome!

I have a lot of great news and things to talk about. We just finished up our Love is series on our social medias and have launched our TikTok. As well as also have so much in store for 2024. We just welcomed another friendly face onto our team officially, Kayla! I have been such great friends with Kay as long as I can remember! She brings so much to our team.

Anyways, this is our first 2024 update, and I simply can’t wait to see what God has in store for our team and for our ministry! Lots of growth, smiles and prayer headed 2024’s way!

With love, Al

December 30, 2023.

Hey guys! Al here 

Back in August of 2023, us girls felt lead to take a leap of faith and start She Brews, where we have been blessed to grow in our faith, build up the kingdom, and meet some crazy awesome people. This group has not only led to great conversations between us girls, but with people in our communities. These conversations have lead to a lot of learning and growth that we will always be thankful for. This account gives us the opportunity to hold each other accountable and dive further into the words of truth and love.

2023 has been tough, like really tough. But God remains so faithful and his promises never once will fail. God’s love is so continuous and was shown by his coming Christmas day and his resurrection later, and his upcoming final return too. This next year I challenge you to choose God even on the hardest day. Another year of grace, love, and hope in Jesus. 

Lord, we leave this next year in your hands. Show us and guide us in your ways. Lead us to love others as you love us. You have and you will. Our hearts are fixed on you, and we remember that ultimately your will be done. Let your light shine through us everyday within this next year. Thank you for your blessings. We love you & give you all our praises. 


She Brews Fam, this next year will be great and full of lots of different opportunities to grow together! Can’t wait to start this next year with you all!

 September 23, 2023.

Hey, all! Allison from SheBrews here with a quick update and message. 

We are currently getting close to the end of our first study: Fruits of the Spirit. With this comes a new study... YAY! We are so excited to start a new one but so happy with how our first one went! 

Although what is coming up is still in the works, we wanted to thank everyone who has joined along for our faith journey and is supporting us in prayer. That means the world to us! 

With this new study coming up we ask you to keep our team and future guest writers in your prayers as we need guidance on where to study and how to share with others!

Thanks again for being the best, EVER! We can't wait for you to see what we have in store... Stay tuned to see what our next study is starting in the next couple of weeks!




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