Week One: Gratitude


Introduction to Gratitude

Kylie Voight

Hey everyone! This is our first post of our series on gratitude! We'll be posting two times each week, so look out for each post. We are so excited to be doing this series with you and growing in our attitude of gratitude together!

Let's start off defining what gratitude is. According to Oxford, gratitude is "the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness." I love this definition! 

The first part, the quality of being thankful, is a pretty standard definition that most people recognize when they think of gratitude. I would argue that these words show that gratitude is not a one time thing. You can't be thankful for one thing and say that gratitude is something you have. This has to be something that you practice day in and day out.

I love the second part even more than the first, which is readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Gratitude means that you verbally and/or physically SHOW that you appreciate something. Gratitude is an outward expression that others can see and recognize within you. Another aspect of this important attitude is returning kindness. We are to do good and kind things back when we receive kindness ourselves. I would even stretch this definition and say do good and kind things no matter what is dealt to you. That's what Jesus did to the people He was in contact with, and He even did it for you! Think about the way you treat Jesus... and then think about the way He treats you back. Just as Jesus did and DOES, we are to extend love to those no matter what they extend to us.

This week, I challenge you to apply the definition of gratitude ("the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness") to your own life. For the first part of the definition, think of three things you are grateful for first thing in the morning and thank God for them. For the second part, recognize when kindness is extended to you and make a conscious effort to extend kindness back. I'm praying for all of you this week, that God would invade your hearts and create space for gratitude. 

Hope you have a blessed week!

Showing Gratitude

Allison Holsclaw

Showing gratitude daily is how we live a grateful life because, as mentioned on Tuesday, saying you’re grateful is one thing but actually acting out in gratitude is a different thing. So how can we show we are grateful in our daily lives?

Serve others

  • 1 Peter 4:10 says “as each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God and showing your gratitude for His work in your life” 
  • Use the blessings you were given to serve others with it. Whether your gift be athletics, academics, arts, or whatever it may be, use it for the good of others and to give Glory to God. You can serve others in many ways, that can even be a simple as showing up for someone, or keeping your word. 

Worship/Glorify the Lord

  • By worshipping and glorifying we express our gratitude, because of our love for him and our want to serve. We are focusing on how good He is and all He has done and will continue to do for us. This is such a special way to show how thankful we are for His grace and mercy.

Keep a gratitude journal

  • This is a way to physically visualize all the good in your life. Find time to simply focus on what good you have been blessed with in your life. This is also a way of acknowledging all these things.  Pour it all out on the paper, and rest on those things. It’s great to have a grateful mind, heart and soul. 

This week reflect on the things you are grateful for and what they mean to you. How can you show your gratitude for God’s blessings and the people around you! Have you admired God for his everlasting, forgiving love? Reflect on that, maybe even write it down!


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