God Is... Sovereign


“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
Job 42:2 NIV

What does Sovereignty mean? This is defined in a classic dictionary as supreme power or authority. Ultimately God is sovereign, meaning he is in total control and in power of all of the earth. In simplest context that is what it means, God holds power over everything.

There is truly nothing that will happen here on earth that God didn’t play part of. You may ask what about all the evil? Kay Arthur once said it best: “ My husband and I have been through trials we never thought we’d go through. But we can walk in peace because we know that God is sovereign. And this God that sits on the throne, that creates good, that creates adversity; he is love.”
God created light and the dark, and he uses even evil to show that he is God and that he is also good and holds authority of all, even evil and darkness.

This week I want you to rest on the fact that even though we have troubles, and we as humans don’t have it easy all the time, that God is still in control. Find peace in that God holds so much power, and walk in peace knowing so.

Read these verses this week to rest and meditate on God’s sovereignty: Job 42:2, Psalm 33:11, Daniel 4:35

Have a blessed week, we are so glad you are here!


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