God Is… Loving

Jenna Voight

God Is… Loving

God is loving. Gods love is shown through his grace. This topic comes perfectly from Allison’s topic last week.

To represent Gods love, we are going to use a metaphor. We are the clay and he is the potter. The potter has plans for what he wants to do with the clay. In the same way, God loves us so much that he has a plan for you. 

“But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

God loved us so much that he gave his one and only son to dies for us. This isn’t deserved or expected, but God so graciously sent his son to die for us. This love is the ultimate love. He loves us so much that he has set a plan for you. He loved us so much that he created us in his own image.

“But even the hairs of your head have all been counted.”

Matthew 10:30 

God cares for you so much. He knows the ins and outs of your life. Because of this love and grace, we can run to him. There is nothing we can do that God cannot forgive.


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