Love is.. Always protecting, hoping and trusting.

Kylie Voight

Love is… Always protecting, hoping and trusting

We’ve covered so many incredible attributes of love so far. 1 Corinthians 13:7 gives us four more amazing traits that love carries. It says, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (ESV). Let’s break these down.

To start, love BEARS all things. As Enduring Word commentary describes, another word for “bears” is “covers”. Love covers all things. We see this especially come to light in our relationship with God. His love for us covers all things, all sins. There is not a single sin you could possibly commit that can’t be covered by the blood of Jesus that was poured out for you on the cross. Just as Christ has loved us and covered our sins, our love for one another can cover the sins we commit against each other. Love always withstands those transgressions if you choose to respond with it.

Love BELIEVES all things. This is not saying to believe everything you hear. God calls us to have discernment, especially when it comes to what is entering our mind through our ears. This is saying to believe the best about others. Assume their intentions are good until you have evidence to prove their intentions are bad. Love always believes for the best.

Love HOPES all things. When your hope is placed in the Lord, you can be sure that you’ll be alright. There is light at the end of the tunnel. God’s hand is holding you even when you don’t believe it, see it, or feel it. He’s there and He wants what is best for you. Love God and hope for your future will be secure.

Finally, love ENDURES all things. There is nothing that love can’t withstand. This means that love is forever. Psalm 118:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” There is nothing that can overcome love. In fact, the opposite is true: love overcomes everything.

Love is so good, His love for us, our love for Him, and our love for others. I challenge you to think of ways you can implement these traits in the way you love others this week and actually do them! It’s so powerful when we let God’s Word change the way we live and love. Allow the change to happen. I pray your heart is overflowing with God’s love this week!


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