10 ways to love: Listen without interrupting

Kylie Voight

Listen without Interrupting

Although we tend to think of love as an emotion, love is actually more of an action. We need to show others our love for them through our actions instead of just telling them. In 1 John 3:18, John says, “let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth” (ESV). There are so many ways we can show our love for one another rather than simply saying the words “I love you.”

The first way you can show your love for someone is by listening without interrupting. How many times have you been talking and had someone interrupt you? How did that make you feel? I bet the feeling you experienced was not love. On the contrary, how many times have you been talking and had someone intentionally listen to every word you were saying? How did that make you feel? I bet you felt known, seen, heard, and most importantly loved.

James tells us in chapter 1 verse 19 to “be quick to hear, slow to speak” (ESV). He is expressing the utmost importance of listening. I love the quote that says God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. We are made to listen more than to speak. By listening, we get the opportunity to learn and understand others. Listening shows that we truly care about and truly love the person we are listening to.

Proverbs 18:2 says, “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion” (ESV). God literally tells us that we are foolish if we care more about getting our own opinion across than seeking to understand another person by listening to them. Imagine if every single person on Earth sought to listen and understand rather than speak and get their own point across. Our world would be in a much better place than it is today. We can’t control what the entire world does, but you can control what you do. The change starts with you.

I challenge you to practice listening with intention this week. Focus more on listening and understanding rather than speaking and pushing your own point. Watch God transform you and your relationships with this one change.

“Father, I pray that you would close our mouths and open our ears. Give us hearts and minds that seek to understand rather than ones that want to push our own ideas. Fill us with Your Spirit and allow Him to overflow our hearts with Your patience and love. It is in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

Have a blessed week that’s full of listening:)



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