The Darkest Day in History - Good Friday 2024


Kylie Voight

The Darkest Day in History

Good Friday is known as one of the darkest days in history. Roughly 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ faced one of the worst deaths known to man.

Early in the morning, Jesus was put on trial by His very own people, the Jews. They accused Him of blasphemy, as He was claiming He was God, and blasphemy is punishable by death in Jewish culture. After being charged as guilty by Pilate, Jesus was sentenced to death by a cross.

Mocked. Spit on. Stripped of clothing. Whipped. Thorns piercing His skull. Utter brutality. And after all of this, Jesus carried His own cross up Mount Calvary knowing that that's where He would soon hang.

Nail by nail, Jesus was hung on the cross around 9 in the morning. People walked by, mocking Him for not being able to save Himself. He hung there for 6 hours.

Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" He declared, "It is finished" and breathed His last breath. At that moment, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom.

The soldiers pierced His side, finding that He was truly dead. They took His body off the cross. He was placed it in a tomb and a stone sealed its entrance.

Although it's the darkest day in history, it's a very good day. Jesus looked through time, saw your very own face, and decided that you were worth dying for. Even if you were the only one, you were worth it to Him. How special and how loved you are by Him.

Don't lose hope. Sunday, the day of resurrection, the day of victory, the day of restoration, it is coming!


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