10 ways to love: Enjoy without complaint

Jenna Voight

Enjoy without Complaint

We’ve all been there. Somebody cuts you off in traffic and all you want to do is complain about the disruption to your day. However, God calls us higher.

”Do everything without grumbling and arguing,“

Philippians 2:14

What does complaining do for you? Does it fulfill you? God calls us to do everything with a pure heart. If we live our lives complaining about people, we will have a skewed worldview focused on the negatives. 

When something happens that doesn’t go our way, we have a choice. Do we feed the positive voice, or do we feed the negative voice? If we feed the negative voice, we will be angry, bitter and frustrated. If we feed the positive voice, we will be happy, joyful and ultimately fulfilling what God wants for us. 

I get it, it’s hard to notice the positive things when everything feels like it is going wrong. But if you feed that negative voice in your head, you will lose out on this beautiful life that God has placed you in. 

Notice the Good this week. When things are overwhelming, ask God to show you the positives in every situation. God calls you to be higher, to be a light in this dark world. 


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