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God Is… Omnipotent

  Kylie Voight God Is… Omnipotent This week we're focusing on God's omnipotence. What does that even mean? Omnipotence means unlimited power, or the ability to do anything. God has unlimited power. He can do ANYTHING. How can knowing this change our lives? First, our prayers can change. Pray big and bold with the knowledge that anything is possible with God, as Jesus says in Matthew 19:26. Pray for healing over someone incredibly sick. Pray for a couple whose marriage is falling apart. Pray for your friend that doesn't believe in God to find Him. He can do anything. Don't let your own doubts limit His abilities in your life and the lives of those around you. Second, your doubts can fade. We all have doubts and in fact, doubts are good. It shows that we're really wrestling with God and truly want to know who He really is. Doubts aren't the enemy of faith, unprocessed doubts are. Process those doubts with Him and you will find him in the midst of your seeking (as

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